Sunday 9th December.
Hoping to find a bit of artistic inspiration a bus load of us set off to Salts Mill, at
Saltaire near Bradford on sunday. I think we were all initially impressed by the sheer size and grandeur of the building, I mean just look at that chimney!

Once inside nobody was disappointed, as we entered the door on the first floor mouths fell open. Each floor is vast, and even with lots of people around the sense of space and calm is apparent. Music quietly lulls you from the background, and there is an elusive hint of incense in the air. The first floor has all manner of artist's equipment; beautifully bound ledgers to use as note books or diaries, cards and calendars on almost any subject you can think of.

The christmas tree on display was breathtaking.
On the second floor books can be bought on subjects such as fashion, architecture, poetry, art and film, plus there is a whole section brimming with children's books. Whilst we were there a small choir sang christmas carols.
Up on the top floor some of David Hockney's art can be viewed and you can sit and watch a video about him.
Lunch went down well, homemade soups served with baguettes being a popular choice.
When everyone had finished looking round and bought whatever they wanted, we piled back on to the mini bus for the journey home.
Probably worth another visit in the not too distant future!!!